Google Ads Agency Malaysia and SEO Specialist

We’ll Convert More Sales For Your Digital Ad Spend

Our battle-tested Google ads and SEO strategies will consistently position your offerings in front of eager-to-purchase customers. Act now to gain more market share and outshine the competition.


Conversion Rate Increased


Years of Experience

Google Ads Agency Malaysia


Maximize Leads and Sales with Our Top-Rated SEO and Ads Services by Google Ads Agency Malaysia

Master Edward Chin - Founder & Principal of

Master Edward Chin - Founder & Principal of

“Six years ago, I chose Tedsis to design my website and it was the best decision I ever made. They have been an invaluable partner for my business, especially in the digital era that the pandemic has created. They made the whole process easy, enjoyable, and most importantly, successful. Thanks to their strategic advice, I was able to attract more quality leads and boost my revenue in just a few months!”


There is nothing more rewarding than seeing our clients succeed

Don’t let your ads budget go to waste. We are passionate about what we do, and we know how to create and manage ads campaigns that get results for you. Our values of customer-centricity, excellence, and integrity guide our work and ensure your satisfaction.


Our Strategic Process to Maximize Conversion Results For You

Define Business Goals

Understand your business needs, marketing challenges, unique selling points and target audience. Determine your business objectives and goals using SMART framework.

Gather Data

Research and study your business environment, the competition, existing conversion funnels. Perform extensive keyword research to identify opportunities.

Plan and Prioritize

Once opportunities are identified, implementation plan will be carried out according to the impact, chances, and ease of tasks being achieved which align with your business goals.

Design and Implement

Build and implement the required elements to turn leads into customers such as campaign structure, landing page design, copywriting and technical optimization.

Test and Measure

We test the hypothesis by running A/B tests to get insights. We track the data and use the insights to make informed decisions and optimize your website or landing page for conversions.

Review and Repeat

Analyze data from the test. Scale results if the hypothesis is valid and initial goals are met. Learn and adjust if hypothesis is invalid. Repeat until the business goals are achieved.

Let us help you grow your business!


Selected Case Studies

We’re confident that, together, with your industry know-how and our digital expertise, we can produce results that you will be proud to share. Check out some of the work we’ve done.


Trusted by many happy customers.

Want to grow your business today?

Ready to take your profits to the next level? We are ready to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dive into the most common queries and discover the magic behind our product.

With Google Ads and SEO, you can give your business the online oomph it deserves. Google Ads is like an expressway to online stardom, providing speedy results based on your budget. SEO is the tortoise, steadily gaining organic search rankings with sustainable long-term growth. Combining both superpowers is often the most effective, balancing immediate visibility and long-term credibility. It’s a win-win for your business!

Google Ads is like a box of chocolates for your business success. It’s unpredictable, depending on your business type, target audience, and overall marketing strategy. Don’t worry, we only team up with you if we can boost your business, but let’s make sure we’re a good fit! Our services are for you if:

  • You have a solid sales process and a team that can close deals, even with cold leads.
  • Your appetite for growth matches our ambitions, and you’re ready for a potential 20-80% boost in sales over the next year.
  • You get that investing in growth is crucial. You’re willing to spend money to take your business to new heights if it makes financial sense.

If you’re selling a proven product or a fresh new sensation, that’s an extra twist to elevate your game.

Google Ads can skyrocket to the top in as little as 14 days! SEO takes a bit longer. Some businesses see changes in just a few months, but to really make an impact and lasting results, it takes 6 to 12 months of hard work. SEO is an ongoing process that involves optimizing your website and adapting to changes. Consistent effort is key to achieving and maintaining better organic visibility and traffic.

We’ve got the secret recipe for marketing magic, and it all starts with YOU! Our 6-step approach is like a personal trainer for your brand, customizing services to fit your unique goals and audience. We dig deep, getting to know your business objectives and your target clients. Then, we create a tailored strategy that’s all about results. From picking the perfect keywords, to creating killer content and refining ads, we’re like your marketing genie, granting wishes for a flood of inquiries and busy inboxes.

We’re here to customize your Google Ads and SEO journey to match your budget and business dreams. No one-size-fits-all solutions here – we understand that costs depend on your campaign size and specific needs. But don’t worry! Our fees are tied to the actual leads we bring in through a performance-based model. We know there’s skepticism around exaggerated promises, so we keep it real. We stick to a full performance-based approach, making it a win-win for both of us!

Think of it like a dynamic duet! We’ll handle the behind-the-scenes magic of Google Ads and SEO, but your superhero insights are crucial. We need your take on business goals, your unique flavor, and what makes you tick. Picture us as your digital sidekick—always ready for your cues, feedback, and high-fives. Together, we’ll navigate the digital realm, tackle challenges, and turn your online presence into a blockbuster. It’s a team effort, and your involvement is what makes the story epic!

For Google Ads, we’re talking about a minimum 3-month commitment, where we’ll stir up a storm with a series of steps to optimize your campaign, including some or more of the following:

  • Unleashing well-researched keywords to reach the intended audience.
  • Creating captivating headlines and descriptions.
  • Applying ninja moves with negative keywords to slash unwanted Cost Per Click.
  • Testing different headlines and descriptions for the winning combo.
  • Optimizing landing page keywords and crafting a compelling offer for successful conversions.

Now, onto SEO! We’re asking for a minimum of 6 months, as each campaign setup is a rigorous process demanding hours of hard work. We’ll be applying some or all of the following, and more if necessary:

  • Extensive keyword research.
    Adjustments to title tags and meta descriptions for a website boost.
  • A sitewide SEO audit and technical SEO adjustments, enhancing your online presence.
  • Installing Google Analytics and the Google Search Console.
  • Writing content for top pages targeting main keywords.
  • Creating a blog site and writing articles to elevate the game.